San Salvador Park

A small park with a crude boat ramp and limited parking. It is an important access point on the Water Trail and heavily used in the summer. It is owned by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Unfortunately this park is not recommended for Water Trail use at this time since it has become an area where people are illegally dumping trash. Park at your own risk.
Willamette Riverkeeper has continued to host trash cleanups at this site and has provided at seasonal portable toilet. In 2022 the seasonal toilet was stolen.
Paul Manson Sep 6, 2022
We usually use this as our take out for trips starting at Keizer or Wheatland. It is a little off the beaten path, but not bad. And its the last takeout before the Newberg Pool and summer boat traffic becomes more than I want to deal with. Note that trash is becoming a real issue here with dumping both at the site and along the access road. I have left vehicles here overnight which felt a little like a risk but I think its just the current state of things. Weekends get busy with trailer parking.
Julie Jun 19, 2023
We started a kayak journey on the Willamette River and we started at San Salvador boat ramp. It was perfectly clean, no homeless people, no trash. It was perfectly fine!
JR Jul 27, 2023
Was at San Salvadore yesterday picking up a kayaker, waiting/relaxing in the parking area for over three hours. The area was heavily used. Parking lot was full, with several cars and groups coming and going – boaters, swimmers, children/families. The fact there were no trash cans nor toilet facilities seemed to be a problem. Based on the odor and remnants of toilet paper around in places, the parking area and nearby trails obviously get used as a toilet. At one point I noticed some kind souls going around with a large plastic bag picking up trash. I noticed on earlier post that the park has become a dump site for trash and that the portable toilet was stolen in 2022. The site is small and somewhat remote, and probably not patrolled nor monitored very often.