This large island, over 1 1/2 miles long, has a wonderful back channel with a fantastic mix of willow, Oregon ash, and cottonwood lining the banks. Owned by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the Oregon Department of State Lands, the island has two possible camping areas: one located in the back channel about 2/3 of the way down, while a second camping option is on the mainstem side around the middle of the island. Only the backchannel site it labeled in the first edition Water Trail Maps.  The interior of the island contains the invasive Scotch broom plant, but in the spring there is also a nice mix of native camas, a wildflower whose purple flowers spread across the meadow. Extending off the back channel is the opening of Lambert Slough, a secondary side channel that weaves its way northward for about 10 miles before rejoining the mainstem Willamette. (no amenities)


  1. Wheatland bar: NO camping as listed. Wheatland Bar is owned by DSL and public access between 5:30 AM and 10 PM. NO overnight camping, NO fires, NO vehicles permitted EXCEPT for watercraft use! Which has been posted.

  2. I had a great campsite here on 6/13/23. The table and fire ring made it feel like glamping. The back channel is peaceful and the bank of the island was marshy until you reach the take out for the campsite. The birdsong in the morning was wonderful, loud, and was perfect with my coffee.

  3. Matt,
    I am glad you had a nice night there! OPRD put the fire ring and picnic table in last year.
    There are so many songbirds in that area.

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